Tithing & Charitible Giving:
The Facts

Tithing & Charitible Giving: The Facts

American Giving Quick Facts

Financial data is adjusted for inflation. See sources below.
  • Individual Giving Has Declined

    While charitable giving is up overall, individual giving as a share of total giving has decreased by 15% since 1983. 
  • Religious Giving Has Declined

    Religious giving as a share of total giving has dropped by 39% since 1983. American's gave $10.5 billion less in 2023 than in 1983!
  • Church Membership Has Declined

    Church membership has declined by 26% since 1983 and the number of American's who are Christian has declined by 50% since 1973.
  • God's Promise Hasn't Changed

    Malachi 3:9-12 says that a nation is blessed or cursed based on tithing, and it's the only place in the Bible where God tells us to test Him!


In 2020, as I sat in the secret place, seeking God's guidance on where we went wrong, what we should do, and how to heal our country, I heard three words: "Tell them this." It came as a thought, a vision of a chart I had seen before, and a sudden, electrifying feeling that surged through my entire body. Then it was gone, leaving me to wonder, "Tell who? Tell them how?" 

I don't know if it was God, an angel, the Holy Spirit, or Jesus, but I felt compelled to share the chart below. It shows the income distributed to every American since 1991 and poses a significant question: What if those who believe in God faithfully tithed to the church and were more charitable with their resources? My favorite verses in the Bible are Malachi 3:9-12

“You are under a curse—your whole nation—because you are robbing me. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,” says the Lord Almighty. “Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land,” says the Lord Almighty. 

Through my research, I've realized that we fall short of these verses and, consequently, miss out on experiencing God's ultimate power.


From 1983 to 2023, the total personal income in the U.S. increased dramatically from $8.91 trillion (adjusted for inflation) to $23 trillion in 2023, a staggering 158.1% increase. 

Despite this significant rise in wealth over the decades, charitable giving—especially to churches—has been in steady decline. This suggests that while Americans have become wealthier, our charitable giving has not kept pace.

In 1983, charitable giving by individuals totaled $100.3 billion, adjusted for inflation. Religious giving made up 63% of that total. 

In 2023 charitable giving by individuals was aproximately $374.4 billion--a significant increase from 1983. But the amount of that given to churches or religious causes plummetted to a mere 24% of the total, a 39% decrease over four decades. 

When we break this down further we find that, dollar for dollar, adjusted for inflation, American's today are giving 10.5% less to churches and religious causes than they were fourty years ago.

This despite the fact that during that same time period the median household income in the US has increased by 22%.


Wealthy donors seem to be changing their giving patterns as well, and may account for the rise in giving to secular foundations over recent decades. IRS data shows that while the top 100,000 households doubled their share of total donations from 10% in 2011 to 20% in 2021, their contributions to religious causes have not kept pace. Studies reveal that while the general population donated 60% of their total giving to religion in 2018, wealthy donors gave only 43%.


Fewer Americans identify as religious or attend services today than at any time in the past. Church attendance has dropped 26% since 1983, and Gallup polling consistently shows a steady decrease in the number of Americans who think religion is important.

Even more shocking, the number of American's who are self-professed Christians has plummetted by a whopping 50% since 1973! 

These trends show a critical issue: our nation's problems and moral decline are linked to reduced tithing and worthy charitable giving. 

To address these problems, we must reignite a spirit of generosity. By increasing our contributions to churches and worthy causes, we fulfill a spiritual duty and help heal and renew our communities, and the nation we love.



"Test me in this.” These words from Malachi 3:10 are unique; they are the only instance in the entire Bible where God invites us to put Him to the test. He challenges us to trust Him with our tithes and offerings, promising that He will respond with abundant blessings. This invitation is not just about financial giving; it’s a profound call to deepen our faith and trust in God's provision.

The struggles we face today—internal strife, moral decline, and widespread discontent—are symptoms of a deeper spiritual malaise. We have drifted from the principles of generosity and stewardship that God has laid out for us. The solution is clear and powerful: we need to increase our giving, both to our churches and to worthy charities. By doing so, we align ourselves with God's will and open the door to His blessings.

Unsure where to begin? We've created a list of charities we recommend for generous giving. While we are not affiliated with these organizations, we believe in the significant impact of their work. You can find that list Here.

Imagine a nation where believers faithfully tithe and give generously. The impact would be transformative. Churches would be empowered to reach more souls, charities would have the resources to serve those in need, and communities would flourish. We would begin to see a restoration of moral values and a renewal of hope. 

God's promise in Malachi is not just a historical footnote; it is a living, breathing challenge to us today. Let's take God at His word. Let's test Him by increasing our tithes and charitable giving, and watch as He fulfills His promise to open the floodgates of heaven. Together, we can heal our land and experience the fullness of God's power and blessings. Together we can change and save the world. Together, we can Make America God's Again!

